In this transcript, Carlos Hidalgo opens up about a painful period in his life where he became consumed by ego and pursued a false purpose of money and notoriety. This led to personal choices that damaged his marriage and family, leaving him feeling unfulfilled and empty. However, after facing a moment of truth and receiving a loving gut punch from a friend, Carlos embarked on a journey of self-discovery and redemption. He shed his false identity and turned to God, finding grace and restoration in his relationships. Carlos now views God as a loving and forgiving father who gently restores and heals, and he is grateful for the transformation in his life.
Throughout his journey, faith has played a significant role for Carlos. He was raised in a legalistic and strict religious environment, where his perception of God was that of a judgmental figure waiting for him to make mistakes. However, as he distanced himself from his faith, Carlos experienced turmoil and a sense of emptiness. Eventually, he returned to his spirituality and developed a deeper relationship with God, finding comfort in the belief that God does not condemn but seeks to understand the wounds that led individuals to make certain choices. Carlos now embraces the God of grace and redemption, and he shares his story as a testament to the transformative power of faith.